energy net
It is not anymore about doing things better. It is about doing things differently.
Look back to the early days of the electrification. First people started to replace candles with light bulbs – and only then they started to re-organise production processes. Same is true now. We are at the beginning of the second and game-changing phase of the digital age.
What Are Zoning Regulations?
Zoning laws outline where and how new development should take place, preventing incompatible land uses from coming into conflict and encouraging an orderly expansion process. Zoning regulations are part…
The Importance of Land Use Planning
Land use planning is a complex endeavor that entails many steps, from making sure factories don’t near schools to making sure new apartments are in pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods. Furthermore, this…
What is Community Engagement?
Community engagement involves engaging people in decisions that affect them and creating long-term sustainable outcomes, processes, relationships and discourse. Effective community engagement should take into account the unique needs…

/ It’s not about doing things better,