energy net
It is not anymore about doing things better. It is about doing things differently.
Look back to the early days of the electrification. First people started to replace candles with light bulbs – and only then they started to re-organise production processes. Same is true now. We are at the beginning of the second and game-changing phase of the digital age.
Energy Security and Economic Resilience
Energy security Energy security refers to a nation’s ability to access an adequate energy supply at an affordable price, which plays a pivotal role in economic resilience, both for…
Sustainable Urban Infrastructure
Sustainable urban infrastructure encompasses systems that provide essential services to city residents such as transportation, water management, energy generation and communication networks. These infrastructure systems may be natural or…
Transit-Oriented Development
Dense, walkable neighborhoods located near public transit can create vibrant communities while simultaneously decreasing traffic and pollution levels while offering affordable housing solutions for low-income residents. TOD can also…
/ It’s not about doing things better,