• The Benefits of Mixed-Use Development

    The Benefits of Mixed-Use Development

    Integrating residential, retail and commercial developments into an area enhances its overall appeal by saving space, encouraging community interaction and supporting a more sustainable environment. Mixed-use development can be…

  • Green Buildings

    Green Buildings

    Green buildings incorporate sustainable practices into their design, construction and operation processes to promote environmental responsibility and address issues such as energy consumption, water conservation, indoor environmental quality and…

  • Transit-Oriented Development

    Transit-Oriented Development

    Dense, walkable communities built around transit stations are rapidly transforming regions and cities into exciting people-places. TOD offers greater returns for public transportation investments, better environmental conditions and offers…

  • Cities Leading the Way in the Development of Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

    Cities Leading the Way in the Development of Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

    Development of sustainable urban infrastructure is an ongoing challenge for cities worldwide. Projects promoting its implementation promote more resilient cities, reduce carbon emissions and enhance health outcomes. Infrastructure decisions…

  • SDGs and Stakeholder Engagement

    SDGs and Stakeholder Engagement

    Sustainable development seeks to strike a balance between human well-being, economic growth and environmental protection. This involves providing quality education, gender equality, affordable energy sources and economic expansion which…

  • Why Energy Efficiency Is a Good Investment For Your Business

    Why Energy Efficiency Is a Good Investment For Your Business

    Energy efficiency can be an invaluable investment for any company, as it reduces energy costs while simultaneously improving your environmental standing. Energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other…

  • Smart Cities and How They Are Changing the World

    Smart Cities and How They Are Changing the World

    Smart cities utilize technology to increase efficiency and quality of life. Their focus lies on automation and data collection via sensors, ICT technologies and the Internet of Things. Real-time…

  • Smart Grids – Enabling the Transition to a Greener Energy Future

    Smart Grids – Enabling the Transition to a Greener Energy Future

    Modernizing our electricity grid with smart technology helps reduce power outages, lower consumer costs and incorporate more renewable energy sources. Furthermore, this will facilitate using advanced equipment which better…

  • Energy Storage Explained

    Energy Storage Explained

    Energy storage allows renewables to be deployed rapidly onto the grid, increasing their value to it and helping reduce demand charges, such as those levied upon commercial and industrial…

  • How Urban Mobility Is Changing

    How Urban Mobility Is Changing

    Urban mobility is evolving at an incredible speed, driven by policy innovations and consumer preferences. Cities with dense and multimodal public transit networks enable residents to leave their cars…