• Energy Policy

    Energy Policy

    Energy policy involves creating a framework that promotes sustainable energy use, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and provides reliable and affordable energy supply – while simultaneously raising awareness among citizens…

  • Mixed-Use Development

    Mixed-Use Development

    Mixed-use development is a growing trend in urban planning, providing many advantages such as reduced commuting times and boosting revenue streams. Mixed-use projects present both opportunities and challenges. A…

  • Green Buildings Promote Healthy Indoor Environments

    Green Buildings Promote Healthy Indoor Environments

    Green credentials of a building reflect its environmental standards. Green buildings utilize natural ventilation systems, access to sunlight and other features that promote healthy indoor environments. Many green buildings…

  • Transit-Oriented Development

    Transit-Oriented Development

    TOD (Transit-oriented Development) refers to development that maximizes the amount of residential and commercial space within walking distance from transit stations. TOD projects tend to focus within 1/4 to…

  • Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

    Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

    Green infrastructure can absorb or redirect stormwater runoff for multiple co-benefits. Streets, parking lots, and rooftops tend to repel it as it flows off naturally into gravity’s path –…

  • The Concept of Sustainable Development

    The Concept of Sustainable Development

    Sustainability has emerged amid global concerns regarding environmental protection, economic growth and social development. Researchers believe that society, economy and environment must work in concert with nature’s regenerative potential…

  • What Is Energy Efficiency?

    What Is Energy Efficiency?

    Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective means of reducing GHG emissions. It lowers consumer costs while eliminating costly new fossil fuel infrastructure investments and decreasing operational expenses…

  • How Smart Cities Are Changing the World

    How Smart Cities Are Changing the World

    Smart cities utilize technology to improve efficiency and sustainability while increasing citizen safety and quality of life. Their systems rely on sensors to monitor everything from electricity usage and…

  • Smart Grids and the Power Industry

    Smart Grids and the Power Industry

    Smart grids use advanced digital technology to collect, process, and deliver information more efficiently – resulting in enhanced decisions, operational efficiency and reliability for business as well as being…

  • How Energy Storage Can Improve Grid Quality and Balance Electricity Supply and Demand

    How Energy Storage Can Improve Grid Quality and Balance Electricity Supply and Demand

    Energy storage is an efficient way of saving power for later use, making it useful in helping balance electricity supply and demand as well as improve grid quality. Batteries…