• Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

    Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

    Sustainable urban infrastructure promotes resilience in cities by mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts. Many solutions based on nature can help cities make these gains, including turning…

  • Energy Efficiency Tips For Homeowners and Businesses

    Energy Efficiency Tips For Homeowners and Businesses

    Energy efficiency saves both individuals and businesses money by lowering utility bills. Furthermore, it lowers operating costs while simultaneously improving building comfort without impacting productivity. Energy efficiency reduces dependence…

  • The Three Dimensions of Sustainable Development

    The Three Dimensions of Sustainable Development

    Sustainable development (SD) is an approach to global policy that balances economic, social and environmental considerations – these three dimensions being known as SD’s three dimensions. Governments can set…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Grids

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Grids

    Smart grids are power distribution systems designed to offer greater visibility and flexibility for power distribution networks, offering an effective tool against terrorist attacks or natural disasters that affect…

  • What Makes a Smart City?

    What Makes a Smart City?

    Smart cities employ cutting-edge technologies to improve operational efficiencies, engage citizens and drive economic development. In addition, they monitor environmental conditions closely in order to respond quickly when conditions…

  • The 7 Cs of Resilience and How to Build It

    The 7 Cs of Resilience and How to Build It

    Energy storage is a critical element in expanding renewable energy. It helps balance electricity supply and demand, provide grid services such as frequency regulation, and improve power quality. Lithium-ion…

  • How Urban Mobility Affects City Life

    How Urban Mobility Affects City Life

    Urban mobility is a critical issue that impacts city dwellers’ lives in numerous ways. From commute times and pollution levels, to safety issues and safety threats, mobility plays an…

  • What Is Land Use Planning?

    What Is Land Use Planning?

    Land use planning involves the arranging and development of land. It includes designing buildings, infrastructure and landscapes which support sustainable communities. Land use planning is essential to creating and…

  • What Are Zoning Regulations?

    What Are Zoning Regulations?

    Zoning regulations govern how cities, towns and villages grow in an orderly and responsible fashion. They cover everything from how tall buildings can be constructed to which types of…

  • What is Digital Governance?

    What is Digital Governance?

    Digital governance refers to the framework of people, policies and standards which guide our public digital properties such as websites, e-communications tools and social media. Failing to create a…