Carbon Capture and Storage
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies play a critical role in combatting climate change. CCS technologies reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants and other industrial facilities by sequestering CO2…
The Importance of Energy Policy
Energy policy encompasses legislation, international treaties, incentives to investment, guidelines for energy conservation and taxation policies that determine how quickly an economy grows while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Energy…
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate change mitigation encompasses everything from individuals adopting environmentally friendly habits to governments enacting regulations, offering incentives, and facilitating investments. It involves everything from building and promoting green energy…
Green Buildings
Green buildings play a central role in combatting climate change by conserving energy and water, saving money, and improving human health. They consider all impacts from conception to death,…
What Is Mixed-Use Development?
Mixed-use development (MUD) is a form of development which integrates residential, commercial, hospitality, cultural and civic/recreational spaces into walkable neighborhoods (source: MRSC). (Source: MRSC). Residents and employees appreciate living,…
Benefits of Transit-Oriented Development
Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an urban planning and design approach that clusters jobs, housing and amenities around public transit stations to encourage compact urban growth and reduce dependence on…
5 Examples of Sustainable Urban Infrastructure
Sustainable urban infrastructure refers to engineered facilities and utilities designed for sustainability purposes, with focus areas including energy, water, metabolism, e-city connectivity and urban resilience as key areas of…
The Importance of Sustainable Development
Sustainable development (SD) refers to human activities that make use of renewable natural resources while avoiding pollution or any permanent losses to the environment, while also encouraging inclusive governance…
Energy Efficiency – Save Money, Save the Environment, and Improve Buildings
Energy efficiency reduces emissions from fossil fuel use, encourages renewable energy deployment by lowering demand and making renewables more cost-effective, helps avoid power interruptions, improves people’s lives by cutting…
How Smart Cities Can Improve Quality of Life
City leaders are quickly realizing the potential of smart technology to put transportation, traffic alerts, health services, and community news directly in citizens’ hands. Not only can this innovative…