What Is Land Use Planning?

What Is Land Use Planning?

Land use planning involves the practice of determining how a piece of land will be utilized. This ensures it will be utilized effectively and efficiently.

Land use planning should always take economic development into account, including providing infrastructure that allows businesses to thrive.


Zoning is the process by which local authorities determine what can and cannot be built on specific pieces of land, with different authorities using different codes but operating under a common principle: If you want to build a factory on one piece of land only when its zoning code allows it.

Alternatively, apartment developments must occur on land with R-3 zoning codes and require going through a process that includes public review; hearings before community boards, City Planning Commissions and City Councils might also be necessary.

This process seeks to ensure all parts of a city are designed in such a way as to be sustainable and livable, while protecting the environment from harmful activities. This means providing enough green spaces and waterways for all residents as well as enough commercial spaces where people can work or shop.

Design Guidelines

Quality built environments are essential elements of livability in any community, making a statement about its appeal and attractiveness. In order to enhance building appearances and landscape designs, land use plans should include design guidelines which address elements such as:

One goal of designing land-use plans should be encouraging mixed-use development – such as the placement of retail and office buildings near residential areas – which helps reduce driving times and carbon emissions.

Other guidelines could cover parking lot sizes and screening methods to reduce visual impacts, in addition to seeking to preserve significant natural and cultural features while creating open space networks for wildlife corridors, riparian buffers, recreational opportunities and wildlife corridors.

As part of their overall sustainability plans, communities should strive to facilitate gradual transitions from light to heavy industry and heavy industry to residential uses, in order to avoid sudden economic shifts while simultaneously mitigating environmental impacts.

Development Patterns

Land use planning is an approach used by governments to manage the growth of neighborhoods, districts and cities efficiently while protecting natural resources. It includes systematic evaluation of potential development options as well as guidelines that guarantee sustainability.

Residential land-use patterns have the power to significantly affect community dynamics and promote sustainable development. For instance, multi-family residential developments reduce commute times and vehicle dependence while simultaneously encouraging social interactions and supporting local economies through foot traffic benefits for businesses.

Industrial land use patterns are also an integral component of urban development. Ideally, they should be located close to markets and other business infrastructure so enterprises can access all their necessary resources with ease. Such an ideal site location can also help businesses reduce transportation costs while simultaneously encouraging advanced technologies and sustainable practices.

Economic Development

Usable land is an essential factor of land planning. Prior to 1900s, poor land-use planning caused industrial cities to suffer from spreading diseases and increased crime rates as well as long commutes, strain on infrastructure, loss of farmland and natural resources due to low-density development spreading into previously undeveloped areas.

Land-use planning is a form of governance with the primary goal of providing safe, affordable, and healthy communities. A successful land-use plan balances local community needs with citywide goals; conserves energy; limits carbon emissions; and fosters sustainable growth.

The County has many distinctive assets to attract business and jobs. Economic development should be an essential element of our land-use plan and should focus on capitalizing on these resources. Clustering or agglomeration patterns that allow companies to gain efficiencies and productivity advantages should also be explored; this is especially critical in industries with high labor and energy costs.