What Is Energy Storage?

What Is Energy Storage?

Energy storage systems capture power at one time for use at another, from capacitors that store energy briefly to flow batteries that store electricity over longer durations.

Energy storage can reduce the need for polluting fossil fuel peaker plants that often serve low-income communities, as well as facilitate renewables integration into the grid.


Energy storage refers to the practice of storing energy for later use. This involves converting difficult-to-store forms of energy into more easily stored forms that can be kept on hand or economically stored devices, such as accumulators or batteries, where energy can be kept safe until needed. Energy storage can help alleviate imbalances between demand and supply as well as address imbalances between supply and demand for electricity.

Electricity storage is one of the most effective strategies for expanding renewable energy penetration into the grid, enabling renewables such as RESs to be generated and stored during periods of low electricity production and then released later during times of higher demand. Electricity storage also helps balance power in response to changes or drops in production levels.

Battery energy storage can help balance peak energy demands in densely populated cities and mitigate sudden spikes in electricity costs, helping create community microgrids and resilience hubs while mitigating Time-of-Use charges, which vary volumetric electricity rates based on different times throughout the day, week, or year. It may even help mitigate Time-of-Use (TOU) charges that change at different intervals throughout the day/week/year cycle.


Energy storage systems can be utilized to store energy for various uses. They may serve to buffer daily fluctuations in power output from photovoltaic and wind sources or serve as back up power in case of grid outages.

Energy storage technology can also help lower peak pricing for electricity by storing surplus generation and releasing it at times of high demand, providing savings that can be passed along to customers.

Energy storage’s versatility enables it to play an invaluable role in supporting renewable energy integration, particularly in less well-connected regions. Energy storage’s flexibility allows it to reduce curtailment of renewables while deferring or postponing costly grid infrastructure investments; additionally it can provide power when needed most, such as during disaster relief efforts in areas without sufficient generation capacity.


Energy storage systems (ESSs) are essential technologies for the integration of renewables into the electricity grid. By helping address their inherent intermittency, they help mitigate their inherent intermittency by storing energy at different sizes and times scales; from capacitors able to store one Watt Hour for several seconds all the way up to chemical compounds that store multiple TWh over years.

Grid-scale batteries can provide services such as generation capacity, flexible capacity, virtual transmission capacity, energy time shift and frequency response; customer-sited versions provide power quality enhancements and resilience/backup power for microgrids.

Energy storage technology can also be used to replace fossil fuel peaker plants that operate only a few hours each year and create high air pollution in low-income communities, helping lower utility costs while simultaneously supporting clean energy transitions and prolonging existing utility infrastructure’s lifespan.


Energy storage systems can help mitigate the intermittency of renewable energies by providing balancing power. Charging up during times of excess renewable generation and discharging when peak demand comes along can provide much-needed balancing power – they may even serve as backup power during outages! Furthermore, commercial and residential solar energy storage solutions are even capable of helping users lower electricity bills!

Lithium-ion batteries, flow batteries, supercapacitors and agglomerated phase change materials are among the many technologies available for energy storage, each having different costs and characteristics that affect economics of their implementation in different segments of the electricity grid.

Energy storage increases grid resiliency and capacity, helping reduce emissions while deferring or postponing costly new infrastructure such as power lines. Furthermore, its intelligent deployment provides additional services for the grid.